Day 56: Carro 2008 Tinto Red Wine Blend Spain

I got pretty excited this afternoon when I realized that I had been neglecting an entire section of my local wine shop dedicated to Spanish wine. I proceeded to pick up more than a couple of Spanish bottles, including this one, in hope of reminiscing in the good old days a.k.a. 2 years ago in Barcelona.

Carro is a Spanish Red Blend. They call it Tinto, which really just refers to red wine. The nose is full of fruit and the color is equally enticing: a deep cherry. The taste is very nice, sweet and fruitful. There’s a strong plum flavor that comes through very clearly along with a slight smokiness on the back end. The wine, too, is medium-bodied which explains why it strikes me as more dynamic.

This wine definitely breathed up over the course of the half hour to hour that it was open. It became smoother and fuller, which made for a delightful progression of an already tasty bottle of vino. Overall, this bottle was more enjoyable than many I’ve tried recently. I’ve got to say I do like my Spanish Reds… Carro: C+/B-