Day 44: Wavelength 2008 Sweet Riesling Pfalz, Germany

I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t initially attracted to this bottle because of its good looks. The wine has a blueish color and is tall and skinny — definitely interesting, although my guess is that judging a wine by looking at the bottle probably leads to poor decision-making.

Wavelength is a very sweet Riesling, and the first bottle of German wine that I’ve ever tried — as far back as I can remember at least. The wine’s color has the faintest yellow tint and the nose is sweet with hints of light fruit. The taste is surprisingly full bodied with an even more intense sweetness than I was expecting. I can taste nectarines, apricots, and a little bit of peach. One other thing, the back of the bottle talks about a “refreshing acidity.” I haven’t quite learned to gauge levels of acidity, but it’s something that I’ll look out for in the future.

Overall, I wasn’t expecting much from this wine, but I was pleasantly surprised. For a $9 bottle of sweet Riesling, Wavelength was a drinkable sweet white wine. I’d be pretty happy to drink this bottle again alongside some seafood or mild cheese…maybe even outside with friends on a warm day. Wavelength: C+/B-