Day 42: Woodbridge by Robert Mondavi 2008 Cabernet Sauvignon California

Tonight marked the evening before my departure to the largest mountain on the East Coast with a few friends. As a result, I had four booze-seeking friends over for dinner, and I decided to break out the Magnum bottle of Woodbridge. This 1.5L bottle of California Cab cost under $11, which makes for an economical wine pairing.

Woodbridge, for the money, certainly isn’t bad. It has a real light nose — to be honest I didn’t smell much regardless how much vigorous swirling I performed upon my glass. The color is straight-up cherry and is somewhat transparent. Knowing that, I was expecting this wine to be somewhat devoid of flavor, but I was pleasantly surprised by  strong dark berries that come through clearly. Initially, there was a bit of a bite on the back end that didn’t really push my buttons. However, after letting the wine breathe for another half hour or so, the bite was gone. The berry flavors dropped off a bit as well, but all in all the wine went down much more smoothly about an hour after opening.

Woodbridge is an economical and light-bodied California Cab that has a surprising amount of flavor. I’d pick it up again if I knew I had to entertain a fair amount of friends (non-wine-connoisseurs). That said, I wouldn’t pay to drink it again myself. I’m not quite THAT cheap. Woodbridge: C- (decent, mainly for it’s value)